Auction App

*After syncing your league, you MUST still switch the draft type to 'Auction', in order to proceed, as well as adjusting the auction budgets to match as desired for your league.*

Go to 'General' and click on Draft Style. Then select 'Auction'. An 'Auction Budgets' tab will then appear. In this tab, you will able to adjust and customize each team's budgets.

Auction App

The Auction App is very similar to the standard Draft Hero App, including mostly the same features.


The 'Auction List' will show the most recent purchases by teams in order like so:

The 'Auction Plan Settings' allows you to allocate your budget to how you would like to spend by position. The adjusted budget MUST NOT exceed the total amount you are allowed to spend. 

'My Optimal Roster' shows the projected team your should be targeting based on the Auction Plan you set up prior to the draft. 

Lists that include players targeted, avoided, and your watchlist will also appear in this drop down menu.

How to manually assign a player to a team

Select the player nominated for auction. Click 'Winning Bidder' on the team he will be assigned to. Then enter the bid he was purchased for and click 'Submit Bid'. That player will then be assigned to said team, while also removing the money from the team's remaining budget.

Clicking 'Available' is a tool that gives a breakdown for each available player that includes his projected value, his Average Auction Value with the fantasy platform you are using, as well as his ARV, projected fantasy points and what the player is currently going for on other sites.

'Stats' and 'News' give a breakdown for each individual player. 

Stats will break down how the player has fared in each of the last three seasons, as well as his projected stats for the upcoming year. Also shown is how the player ranked among the league in each week of the previous season.

News will provide outlooks for each player, as well as the most recent news provide by Rotowire.